

GP test @ 10.45 sigh. :/ But I figured that I wouldn’t rly learn a lot from cramming last minute, not that there’s anything to cram into my brain anyway. :( Just slept for around 10 mins lol. But I don’t know why I’m not sleepy still. Maybe I’ll catch a nap later again.

Figured I’ll drop a post here, haven’t been blogging here for so long. Sigh.

Still in the existential crisis mood, heck-everything mood and yea. :/ This is bad. But at least being numb is much much better than sobbing non-stop in the middle of the night yesterday. :C And yet having to tell/show everyone that I’m fine. Hmm.

Now what to blog about aye? ._. First time, I’ve kind of run out of topics… Ugh lost touch with writing :( Haha but I wanna get in the writing mood now, so at least maybe I can write something passable for GP later -winces- Though of course, it will be of a different genre.

Sometimes, one person can make a deep impact on your life and linger at the back of your mind for days, even if to others, it isn’t actually really significant. And that you’ve only met that person once, but yet that person’s actions have impacted you greatly. :/ Or rather touched your heart.

Lol I’m not making any sense, am I? ☹

Dum dum dum. Yay let’s revise for GP essay test.

ISCG, PEST. And 1 opposed point, 3 supporting points, introduction and conclusion. And context, complexity, stand~

Nanana. :/ But will any of this matter, when you don’t have the content? Lol. I wonder.

Rambling done for now. :/ K time to sleep (?!) LOL. Or eat.

And oh, I somehow hope I can see you around school sometimes. It’s hard to explain, but it’s not that way. It’s more like gratitude for a stranger’s kind actions.



I’m sick of it. Sick of getting trampled over and teased to no end now as I look back on today and yesterday. I don’t know why my brain suddenly chose to rewind to those moments too. But there must be a reason for that.

Don’t know whether all these are affecting me more than I let on. But let me caution those people. I know y’all think its funny/fun/amusing to imitate whatever I do consciously or unconsciously most of the time, but I’m sick of it.

I’m ashamed to say that I almost cried when 5C23 peeps were laughing @ me during lunch on Mon. But I was in an unstable condition right then, because of what happened on Sunday night. So maybe my emotions were haywire and out of control.

But no, if that happens again, I won’t give people the satisfaction of seeing me crying over such a minor thing or getting angry, and then getting laughed at more. Watch it people, I’ve limits too. It’s just that y’all haven’t seen my completely lose-my-entire-control side, because I dare to say that I’ve never ever lost complete control over myself in front of people outside. ‘Cept my family, especially my mum, when I can’t take everything anymore.

So yea, watch your back. :) And be careful. I can’t say when an explosion may suddenly happen -shrugs- :}

LOL I sound totally vengeful here ._. Guess life’s getting to me. And everything too.

Whatever manzx. I’ll do anything I want to y’all, if this continues. You guys won’t see this post anw. ^^

K bye.

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Writing and stuff;


Although I kind of regret not choosing another CCA sometimes :/ But I’m rather happy now with my current one.

Though it isn’t really bonded, we don’t really meet up, but I can fulfill my passion there. :) The love for writing.

The way you feel the words flow out of your thoughts, the way you are able to put thoughts on paper, the way you are able to learn more about people, about the world, about you.

Sigh, about the issue of T3A…. I don’t know though. Should I run for committee? I wish I wasn’t so scared of interviews ._. Scared that I can’t answer those questions. But if I’ve lived through a nerve-racking guitar audition and several nerve-racking days before that, I can do this too right?

Need to manage my time better. Need to stop getting distracted. I’ve removed people from my life, or rather a certain person. It hurts, but I’d rather have the pain of not having said goodbye properly, not giving you an explanation and suddenly removing you from my life, than the constant plaguing thoughts about you and the fragile balance of the whole situation. I’m sad to lose a good friend though. And though people think it’s wrong that I’m doing it this way, it’s my own way and I don’t need your approval lol. My choice. And I’ll deal with the regrets myself.

C’est la vie. So imma hold my head up high, blink the tears away and say goodbye. :) Live well k, though you won’t see this, I know.

Now for work.



1) Chaos and vulgarities flying ’round just now -rolls eyes- Awesome environment to be in. Yea, just keep your f-ing mouth shut. Thanks loads.
2) Feel like crying.
3) Life sucks.
4) Random strangers on tumblr who care GMH. <3 Seriously, thank you whoever you are for saying you’ll always be here for me and for asking what’s wrong.
5) Oh hi B. You don’t have to pretend that you care anymore. I know you don’t. So yea, just ignore whatever I tell you next time. And you didn’t tell me certain stuff that happened to you. Sorry if I sound annoyed but I just had to know/understand whatever happened to you, through one of your friends, or rather classmate. So yup, so much for being your “sis”.
6) Sleepy. Feel like strangling certain people atm.
7)  I want to sleep.
8) Screw you chem.
9) Screw you PI.
10)  God, please give me patience, help me to bear with whatever is going on, help me to carry on, give me the strength to ignore certain people and situations, to continue moving on, to continue doing what I’m s’posed to do.

I need hope.

And ideas.



Better not read, ‘cuz its another rant again hmm.

Sigh. I think I think of death too much, for my own good.

And get emotional too easily. Either that or its due to PMS ._. And the sad songs I’m hearing now. Plus the fact that a person dear to me is pushing me away and refusing to tell me what’s wrong.

Yea maybe. Oh well, guess I need to get off facebook, before I cry more. I’ve cried enough today earlier alr. -.-‘

Burying myself in work sounds like a really good idea now.

/edit @10.14pm.

Oh btw. I’m sick of hearing those stuff, no matter how true it is and even though I say it sometimes too. Like “live in the moments, life is worth it, think about makes you happy.” Now I understand how people feel when they hear all these for so many times. Thing is, dear, I know ’em alr, know ’em too well in fact. So just leave me the hell alone, let me wallow for a bit. I can’t be happy and bouncy all the time. Yea, I know I can’t be emo all the time too. But I’m better, compared to sec 3 when I wore my feelings on my sleeve, didn’t know how to conceal my emotions, and made myself seem like an emo kid all the time.

Yup. Phew, that felt better ._. Sorry, but then maybe I seem too patient/tolerable of people’s feelings. And I’m tired of being polite and careful of people’s emotions. So yea, I apologise in advance, if I hurt anyone’s feelings unconsciously or consciously, in the past, presently or in the future.

And oh whatever. If you want to push me away, it’s your choice. I’m sick of caring so much.



You can classify this as a rant, so no reading plz.

I know my class is considered ‘not-that-good’ in terms of results.

And we get tossed away like we mean nothing sometimes. E.g. Teachers that don’t bother to go through the extra practice questions but instead fast-forward to the other topics first. Interns for our GP class; and we don’t even have a permanent GP teacher, ffs. And an econs teacher that explains all the not-so-important stuff and speeds through the important stuff. Granted, the rest of the subjects are okay.

But that’s life, I guess? And the way of society in the future too.

Life has dealt me this hand. So I’ve to accept it and carry on the best way I can.

I don’t believe I can’t.

And Shu Qi, quick send the stuff please. Even if you won’t see this. ._.

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I have no words to say. Nope, actually I’ve too much words to say. And some words are not that kind either. Nor appropriate. You can count ’em vulgar/foul if you want to.

But nah, what’s the use of saying those? I wouldn’t want to taint myself now, nor lower myself to your level. Seriously?

Oh one more thing, stop beating me on the head alr. Enough of my brain cells have died from all the constant lessons and mind-boggling stuff.

And yknow, you shouldn’t expect, nor care so much. Since grades mean so much to you and apparently we two don’t mean anything. So tired of all the drama and fuss kicked up over grades.

If there ever comes a day when you finally wake up and realise, everything will be much too late by then. Mark my words.

You just don’t appreciate what you have now, or rather you seem to not have the ability to appreciate at all.

That’s all I’ve to say. I’m remarkably calm, I’ve no idea why too. But being calm is not a good thing. It’ll just mean the flood of emotions will come later.