Posts Tagged ‘ bffs ’

Sleepy ramblings.

Hai. Too tired to talk. So I’m typing. Duh. So hi.

Lol. I’m making no sense O_O I just replied my mum’s question… and it came out in an unintelligible murmur or mutter or whatever o_o

Lalala. I love you, school.  I love you, homework.

Seriously. I just want one day to sleeeeeep. Too bad that’ll never happen. Mood finally crashing down. Heh expected it, but it’s not as bad as I expected, which is kind of good in a way. Sleeping soon. At least tmrw’s  a short day. 4 hours of lessons + recess. (Y) Don’t want homeworkkk.

Need to save $30 out of $47. Rather impossible feat, now that I’m thinking ’bout it. Heh maybe $25 would do.  Lets see.

Genotype is the genetic make-up of an organism while phenotype is the observable characteristics of an organism. Gene locus is the position of a gene on a chromosome. <——- Seriously. Do we need to know all of this? Are they all going to be used when they grow up in our daily activities? -.-‘

Ah whatever. Not making sense. It may not be true. But sometimes, certain stuff we learn in school ain’t going to used… or maybe they will. Who knows.

Lol. This post is titled ‘Ramblings’, ‘cuz I’m half trying to figure out homework and half rambling at different times. Will be posted up when I’m about to sleep.

OH post ’bout msn convo!!! Must remember if I’ve time.

Thankful to God for giving me strength to carry on♥ Through amazing ways and wonderful people. God’s great♥ :D

Thankful to bffs aka dajie and erjie, jess and peisze♥, twitter peepz, friends, random fb comments + statuses, Ben. Without all of you,  我早就崩溃了。Lol. Grazie :D

Heh I think I tmrw go school, then do bah. Now I’m like half unconscious already. Not even making sense of the questions. Packing bag~

Omg. Chem, physics, math, geog. TMRW HAVE CHEM. Get back atmosphere test. GG. ._.’

Ah whatever. What’s done is done… Even if I want to change it, I can’t change it already. Nananana, and oh if my angel reads this, thankyou so much for the spongebob pen! (: Love it ttm :D <3

o.o 12.59am. Lol. Ta-da 1am.

1.06am. Exhausted. Time to sleep. I think when I look back on this seemingly incoherent post tmrw, I’ll blush with shame and feel tempted to delete it or sth. But I won’t >< Heh sleepy ramblings.

ciao~ Night. (:

The lonely wolf howled into the darkness,
the silence of the night.
But unexpectedly, another heart-wrenching howl was its reply..
Coming from the direction of the moon and stars.

You’re not alone. No one ever is.

Hope & Love ♥♥♥

HIIIIIIII :D Haven’t posted in a long time :D Well, at least a proper post anyway :)

The title is inspired by Jessica’s wire design :D BE HONOURED ;P LOL.

Well, I’ve no idea how to describe the past few months of Year 4. It’s like a rollercoaster, sometimes you can be on one of your good/high times, but when you’re at the low times, you can feel really down and like there’s no hope left.

Others can help you, give you instructions on how to navigate, or even accompany you on your journey, but ultimately, you’ll be at the wheel, navigating the ship yourself, walking on your own path, sailing on your own voyage, making your own mark. But there’ll still be God, standing by your side, giving you strength. ♥

Came out with this yesterday, I think. ♥ Epiphany moments :D But not so, when they tell me things I don’t really want to let go of. But think ’bout it. Friends can be at our side, accompany us throughout our lives, parents and teachers and siblings can be there to guide and help us. But sometimes, they won’t be there all the time. And we’ve just to depend on ourselves then. We are the ones that are navigating our own ship, our own life. And don’t allow people to make decisions for you, ‘cuz ultimately, you are the one who has to live with the decision, not them. (: God will always guide us though, so we can always turn to Him for help :D And He takes care of everything, and will always be with us, through both good and bad times. ;D

I’m going to illustrate something that happened to me 4 years ago ;P LOL. Well, certain people may have heard it a dozen times HAHA :X But I’m still going to type it anyway (:

I wasn’t supposed to come into DHS, much less study in DHS LOL. Was supposed to go into AHS. Sometimes, I wonder how my life would be, if I went to AHS instead of DHS. But nah, I’m already in DHS now, so no use thinking ’bout that :D My mum wanted me to appeal in, I didn’t really want to. Mind you, I wasn’t really keen on going DHS at that time :X

I was already in AHS. Bought all my books and uniform. 7 former classmates there, though not close friends. Was already going for the orientation camp before the starting of school, and it was the first day. And suddenly when I saw my bff and her mum and my mum at AHS, when I was supposed to be at camp, I was just speechless LOL. My mum and I had discussed about: DHS vs AHS, and needless to say, it didn’t go too well. And I was terrified of going to DHS at that time lol. Had not much friends there, or actually basically none at first. (There are only 3, including me, in dhs now LOL. ;P) Yup, was really shocked. But the night before, I did pray to God, to guide me to whichever school I was to go. If DHS didn’t accept me, so be it. But if DHS really accepted me, I’d just go then. :D But deep down, I was still rooting for AHS LOL, since I didn’t know DHS that well :X

Lol, and it turned out that the decision wasn’t up to me at all. God did everything and yeah, so that’s why I’m in DHS now. I’m glad to have come here though 8) If it wasn’t for coming here, I wouldn’t have met so many awesome friends and bffs <3 And be taught by so many good teachers. At the risk of sounding cliché, if I didn't come here, I won't be the person I am today. I've learnt many things in DHS, become wiser (That makes me sound old LOL :X) anddd experienced so many new experiences, if that makes any sense :D

Ooh this is a long post indeed ;D Yup, but just reflecting about how I came here, etc. It's the last year of junior high though, and the feeling is kinda mixed in a way. Don't really want this year to end :( Sigh.

Anyway have to sleep now :D
Night/morning all! (: (12:46am here)
– Isabel :D ♥


Please don’t read this post, if you don’t want to. Just a lil’ warning ;d

I’m not perfect, and never will be. I’m just a girl who goes through pain and heartbreak, as all people do. I can laugh. I can cry. I can go high. I can feel so down, that it seems that I’m sinking lower and lower.

Pain and heartbreak lol. I guess throughout life, you will always have to feel that, in one way or another. (: Always remember that, even though people in MEDCs have a higher standard of living and quality of life, they may not be happier than those in LEDCs that have lesser. In general, I mean. ;d

I don’t like to wait. But if I find something / someone worth waiting for, I will. But sometimes, I realise that I’m either waiting for the wrong things or the wrong person. Rofl, ironic huh? ;d And I’ve wasted enough time, waiting and hoping for many things that don’t happen. I’ve done that too many times.

Mind you, it’s not gotta be easy forgetting and moving on. Almost everything remind me of you. The songs recommended, the times we talk, and the way you can cheer me up, without doing much. 8) You probably won’t ever see this post, or won’t realise that it’s actually talking about you. ;d Because you are oblivious and won’t ever realise it. Sometimes, I wonder why I care so much. But yes, I do. And it ain’t easy to try to erase all I’ve ever felt (since this emotion’s strong but foreign to me. :/) and just act normally. But I’m gotta try. I don’t know whether this is going to be better, or worse for me. But I’ll survive. I always do, I hope.

I’ve read this somewhere, just by searching randomly. But I believe God was also telling me the same thing I was trying to do. :D And I’m glad. Here it is: I’ve learned that things change and people change. It doesn’t mean you forget the past or try to cover it up. It simply means that you’ve moved on and will treasure the memories. Letting go doesn’t mean giving up, it just means accepting that some things just aren’t meant to be. And I know, I’ve known it all the time. ;d

I will try. I just hope all will be well. :D And I feel better LOL ;d ♥ my form of therapy. Music + Writing♥♥♥ Blogging has helped me so much. I’ve come a long way. Ohh one more thing: (One of my fb statuses btw :D) Sometimes, it’s amazing to see how I’ve come so far, in RL and MH chat etc :D And grown. Looking back makes you realise many things you didn’t know about yourself, and how much you’ve changed. ♥ :)

I’ve changed. ;d Grown. Become stronger in some ways. And I thank God for everything♥♥♥ :D
Thankyou to my bffs too :D Love y’all :D ♥♥♥ Yknow who you are. ;d
And most of all, my adopted family too. :D Kerry, Daniel, John. ♥♥♥ you all to bits. It’s amazing how we’ve come together so far. ;d

ciaooooooooo~ Let everything be okay. And let me move on and forget.